
I am Trafalmadorian
I live in the fourth dimension
Nyah, Nyah
You can't see me
Cause you live in 3D

And if you live here, you wouldn't ask what time it was
Cause there is no time, in the fourth dimension yeah
In Trafalmadoria
Sha, na, nyah, na, na, na

And if you lived here, your human brain it would explode
Cause this song I'm singing now, havn't even thought the words
In Trafalmadoria
Sha, na, nyah, na, na, na

Wrap your minds around this, for us time does not exist
When buildings fall to the ground, they are really being built
When hungry people cry, they've had too much to eat
When the plane crashes down, it's on the run way
Why your lovers die, they're born before your eyes
In Trafalmadoria
Sha, na, nyah, na, na, na

I am Trafalmadorian
I live in the fourth dimension
I know your eyes are wide shut
I'm from the mind of Vonnegut

© H. Begg, A. Vanhorn

Olaf Alders:Electric Guitar
Marc Daoust:Bass
Robert LeFort:Drums
Andrew Vanhorn:Vocals, Acoustic Guitar